Which is World's affordable Corona Vaccine?

India is providing the world’s cheapest corona vaccine to all Indians. You will be happy to know that India is providing the lowest price of corona vaccines to its citizens from all over the world. India is doing this vaccine program in such a better way that the citizens here are also in wonder. for example –

Who is eligible for the Covid vaccine in India?

The decision to install the affordable Corona Vaccine was first taken for people working in the frontline. Prime Minister Modi himself is against VIP culture and this VIP culture was missing from the Corona vaccine program.

The people coming in frontline worker were –

  • Doctor
  • Cleaners
  • Police
  • Other important departments

Then after that more than 60 people of India

After that, the number of common people will come. Although people who can afford they can get from the private hospital at rupees 250 only (approx $3)

Is the Covid vaccine safe in India?

India has a steady supply of COVID-19 vaccines that are safe with effective immunity, based on preliminary results.
Made in India COVID-19 vaccines have shown the lowest number of adverse events after vaccination (AEFI) anywhere in the world.

Affordable corona vaccine in the world –

As you know, the price of the corona vaccine is around Rs 4000 to Rs 740 all over the world, only in India, it is priced at Rs 250 only. India has sent its vaccine under humanity to about 49 countries. Because the people of India consider the world as one family, it is India’s own rites of humanity.

Thanks to Doctors and Scientists.
Thanks to PM Modi for this pride ( vaccine donation).

क्या भारत में कोविद का टीका सुरक्षित है?

भारत में COVID-19 टीकों की स्थिर आपूर्ति है जो प्रारंभिक परिणाम के आधार पर प्रभावी प्रतिरक्षा के साथ सुरक्षित हैं।
मेड इन इंडिया COVID-19 टीके ने दुनिया में कहीं भी टीकाकरण (AEFI) के बाद सबसे कम प्रतिकूल घटनाओं को दिखाया है।

दुनिया में किफायती कोरोना वैक्सीन –

जैसा कि आप जानते हैं, पूरी दुनिया में कोरोना वैक्सीन की कीमत लगभग 4000 रुपये से 740 रुपये है, केवल भारत में, इसकी कीमत केवल 250 रुपये है। भारत ने लगभग 49 देशों को मानवता के तहत अपना टीका भेजा है। क्योंकि भारत के लोग दुनिया को एक ही परिवार मानते हैं, यह भारत का मानवता का अपना संस्कार है।
डॉक्टरों और वैज्ञानिकों को धन्यवाद।
इस गर्व (वैक्सीन डोनेशन) के लिए पीएम मोदी को धन्यवाद।