What are some special characteristics of an intelligent person?

Here you can check that An intelligent person who earns 1,00,000 never keeps 10,000's phones with him.

  1. A wise person does not buy a car, house, or bike on loan.
  2. A wise person will not waste time on Facebook, WhatsApp, or Netflix.
  3. An intelligent person will not argue with anyone on social media on social and political issues.
  4. An intelligent person never depends on only one means of earning.
  5. An intelligent person invests that money by not wasting money on expensive clothes, expensive cars, expensive watches, and expensive things.
  6. A wise person does not share the personal things of his house with everyone.
  7. Intelligent people are very punctual.
  8. A wise man takes care of his health.
  9. Man becomes wise only by mistakes, a wise man does not make a mistake twice.
What are some special characteristics of an intelligent person?